Qualities we Nurture
About Sirajul Huda English Medium School
Darul Hudda English Medium School is situated in the north east side of Calicut district in Kerala. The campus is 35 kilometres east from Kannur Inter-National Airport. The campus is a bio-diversilty panorama having an attractective campus with 2000 students. The seniors among the 10 pass out batches, illuminate with their professional skills in different zones of the society.
It established in the year 2000. Darul Hudda English Medium School has completed 21 monumental years of dedicated service. We have immense feeling of gratification and great pleasure in having been able to harmonize both general and value education. Darul Hudda English Medium School (DHEMS) is the second endeavour of Sirajul Huda Educational Complex Kuttiady. We do aim at imparting meritorious eduaction, to make the institution excel in the field of knowledge and wisdom. We follow the CBSE syllabus in all the classes. We are guided strictly and advised by distinguished spiritual leaders as well as eminent eduacational experts. Now, Darul Hudda is a member of Vatakara Sahodhaya and I.A.M.E, a confederation of about 400 schools, working for the betterment of the academic and technical quality of the minority schools. In addition to efficient trained graduates, post graduate teachers, we have sufficient number of specialised teachers for co-curricular and extra curricular activities. The industrious members of all the faculties kindle the light of proficiency among the students. We are trying our best to inculcate good value education in our pupils, so as to bring them up as valuable citizens of our country. We want to bring out the best in every student, so that he can scale the heights of what ever talent which is hidden in him. We are confident of achieving this goal through the dedicated work of our teachers under the stable management with the whole hearted co-operation of the parents.
Sirajul Huda believes that every child is gifted. Once they discover themselves they get on the mission of becoming lifelong learners with the aim of leading society by their inherent power of wisdom, sciences and conscience. Education must inculcate sociability, ethical commitment, compassion and other social ideals. Our vision is to facilitate the realization of the unique kind of schooling that brings up all-round development of the student, including clerical-cognitive, didactic-affective and ethical-conative dimensions of their skills.
Our mission is to explore hidden potentials of the student and to facilitate on that basis the growth of the student in educational, social and ethical aspects of their life as well as their skills of memorisation, understanding and deeper reflection. Each child is enlightened and is empowered and helped to become informed, ingenious and indefatigable Indians.
Core Values
Academic output and performance constitute the inevitable aspect of our institutional rationale. Besides, Sirajul Huda acknowledges the need of education to be value-driven and conducive to the traditional wisdom. Therefore our curricular and co-curricular activities are carved on the matrix infused with the following values: Transformation through learning, Going Global, Innovative Education, Being cosmopolitan, Aesthetic outlook, Elaborating Pluralism, Spirit of quality
General Information
Name of the school with complete address | Darul Hudda English Medium School Parakkadavu Parakkadavu(PO), Kozhikode(Dist), 673509(PIN) 0496-2980102, +91 7786 800 400 dharulhudapkv@gmail.com www.darulhudaparakkadavu.com |
Principal’s Name & Contact Details | MR MOOSSA PANOLI +91 9947 083 158 musapanoli@gmail.com |
Location In Longitude & Latitude | 11.729929 & 75.638913 |
Distance From Nearest Nationalised bank | 1km |
Distance From Railway station | 25km |
Distance from Police station | 5km |
Distance from Hospital | 1km |
Year of Establishment of the school | 2000 |
Whether NOC from State/UT or Recommendation of Embassy of India Obtained? |
NOC obtained from the Government of Kerala |
NOC Number and issuing date | 66346/N3/2005/G Edn Dated on 27/12/2005 |
Is the school recognized? if yes By which authority | Yes - CBSE Affiliated |
Affiliation Number | 930762 |
Year of First Affiliation | 2009 |
Extension of affiliation up to | 2022 |
Status of Affiliation | Provisional |
Details of Syllabus | CBSE/NCERT Curriculum |
Name of the Trust/Society | Sirajul Huda Educational Complex, Kuttiady No.590/1991 Sept - 11 onwards- Permanent |
Infrastructure Details
Area of School Campus | 2.55 Acres, 10046 Sq.mts |
Built in area of the School | 3397.44 Sq.mts |
Area of playground | 3000 Sq. mts |
No. of Building Blocks | 2 |
Facilities Available In the School | |
Sports Facilities | Yes |
Swimming Pool | No |
Indoor Games | Yes |
Dance and Music Facilities | Yes |
Auditorium | Yes |
Gymnasium | No |
Canteen | Yes |
Hostel | No |
Medical and health dispensary | No | Details of physical Infrastructure |
No .of Class room and Size | No:41, Size: 54122 m² |
No. of Smart Class | 8 |
No. of Library & No. of Bookss | 1 & 3000 books |
Details Of Laboratories |
Internet Facilities | Wifi with 50MBPS |
Toilet Facilities | Boys – 18 Girls - 18 Staff- 2 |
Dirking water facilities | Available with water filter |
Barrier free access for the Physically challenged students | Yes |
Play & Sports Facilities | Yes |
Staff room details for Senior Teachers and Junior Teachers | Yes |
xviii) Web based learning programmes/ Facilities for MOOCs (Details) | Yes |
Safety Measures
Fire Extinguisher | Yes |
Sprinklers | Yes |
Fire Alarm | Yes |
Fire safety Certificate Issuing Authority, Date & Validity | Regional fire officer Kozhikode, 19/01/2021, 1 year |
Building Safety CertificateIssuing Authority, Date & Validity | Dr.Raghukumar c Govt.Engg College Kozhikode, 09/10/2020, 1 year |
Drinking Water Certificate Issuing Authority, Date & Validity | kerala state pollution board approved, 16/10/2020, 1 year |
Health and Sanitation Certificate Issuing Authority, Date & Validity | Health Inspector Chekkiyad, 15/10/2020, 1 year |
Transport Facilities
No. of Owned School Buses (Big & Small) | 36 |
Number of drivers | 27 |
Staff/Transport Cordinator Details for Boarding and De-boarding of the school children | ABDUL SALAM K 7034383313 |
Students Feedback
Upcoming Events
Zeal - 2024 Sirajul Huda Inter School Arts Fest
9:00 - 5:30
Arts Fest is more than just an event - it’s a vibrant celebration of the hu- man spirit, creativity, and skills. We believe that arts and sports are integral parts of human progress, empowering individuals in unique ways. While sports devel- op physical and muscle fitness, arts nurture mental and emotional well-being. At Sirajul Huda, we recognize that every child is endowed with a unique set of skills and creativities.